Your ideal blog, give or take 'blog'.

Friday, October 10, 2008


By means of an introduction to our blogging concept, I would like to steer your thought holes in the direction of Post-Periclean Athens, more particularly, the year spent under the thirty-strong, pro-spartan, tyrannical oligarchy. This collapse of democracy is, in fact, quite unlike the liberal notions that flow freely from our nouveau-oligarchy; an oligarchy of the intellectual variety. And so, to follow, we will provide you with glimpses into the machinations of the entity so awefully powerful - it crippled the young Peruvian boy who first found it in the Andes - that it is now stretched across two great minds in the form of a figurative zoo. From these two minds the wild thought-beasts shall now be released from the menagerie - be sure that your thought hole is ready and waiting...

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