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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

there's no expansion of time, so it's a collage


Hot Chip were the highlight of my day, but also exceedingly great were Black Kids, Lupe Fiasco, and Melbourne's own Little Red - but who cares to write about such things in detail, let's just write in general with links.

Lupe Fiasco spotted just off-stage in the Boiler Room at Hot Chip's blistering set

Though unclear whether or not it's hypocritically satirising the typical west-side hip-hop conventions through its label-dropping or whether it just validates some criticism and lumps Lupe into the materialist category itself, Lupe Fiasco's Gold Watch still sounds good and is my most-listened-to Lupe song at the moment.
Arguably 2007's The Cool was a bit hit-and-miss like a drive-by shooting when compared to his Food & Liquor (2006) - prompting this speculator to anticipate but not hold lofty expectations for the final L-U-P-END - but the album by itself as another artist's debut probably would have been praised. Even with some clunky tracks in the repertoire, Lupe is the most skilled hip-hop lyricist and an amazing artist and should be praised by the doubters for the muscles on his back, the brains evidenced by the numerous songs that are on point, and his great live performance.
An interesting aside, I think the lyric "the most important parts are the ones that are unseen" in Gold Watch is adapted from the line of Antoine de Saint-Exupery's The Little Prince; "what is essential is invisible to the eye." Maybe not, either way, shut up - what have you observed recently? Nothing, that's what.

Gold Watch - Lupe Fiasco

You're everything that I never could keep / I hear the sound then it starts to repeat

Two songs that did not feature in Hot Chip's set from Big Day Out:
Touch Too Much
their uber-distorted and minimalist cover of Joy Division's Transmission, c'est top-notch:

Touch Too Much - Hot Chip

Transmission (Joy Division Cover) - Hot Chip

dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio


Oh, and ab the via...
like good Australian television, only not.

A Google Image Search yielded no actual results, because the show is so bad.

A show burdened with stupid Italian stereotypes, substandard writing, a disproportionately enthusiastic soundtrack, and a prerequisite of indefinitely suspended belief to receive each episode as intended (instead of anything good), positioning us to laugh at and around - but certainly not with - the stupid protagonist (Diana Glenn); answering her phone "Carla Cametti" each time; in case we forget. Oh, and the acting is shit; like big blocks of self-conscious wood. Which ordinarily might be fun for a small child to stack, but just aren't.
By far the funniest thing on television at the moment, I'm not kidding - SBS, 8:30pm Thursday - be there.

*hot chip photo from Cellophane Sunset

1 comment:

Eric Gardiner said...

good to see "ab the via" is spreading across cyberspace

they played touch too much at billboard, not sure why they didn't at BDO, probably same reason they didn't play alley cats

love the steel drums on that transmission cover